Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year.

My stomach is just full of butterflies as I think of  2014. 2013 was my most memorable year and one I will cherish forever, but I am SO glad it's over. It started out amazing by marrying the love of my life on January 3.

We had an amazing wedding day. We honeymooned in Southern California and moved into our first home together after a week long honeymoon. 

We started experiencing some pretty rough trials throughout the year which made us closer than ever before. 

And then we ended with a bang with some pretty great friends.

My good friend Wendy through a fun dinner party at her house and we had a blast! Best New Years to date. And our first New Years married!! Last New Years we were frantically finishing up wedding stuff so I think we rolled into bed around 9 haha. 


I feel pretty empowered about my goals for this year. I feel like I grew so much in the year 2013 and I'm ready to be young and fun again. I spent so much of this year being sick so I want to:

{Cook more. And cook healthy}
{Not neglect my home and keep it tidy and organized}
{I gained all my weight in 2013 and I will lose it all in 2014!} 
{Read more, Netflix less}
{Go on more walks, bike rides with Cam} 
{Have more adventurous dates}
{Be spontaneous}
{Less Dr. pepper, more water} 
{Craft more for my home} 

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I just found your cute blog. :) I used to blog lots but have been so bad at it lately. That's one of my resolutions. so glad you guys came over for new years! we need to get together again soon !
