Saturday, January 11, 2014

Self Image

All my life I've always been obsessed with clothing and makeup and hair. Obsessed with what I could do to enhance myself. I always liked my eyes, eyelashes and lips, but that was about it. I hated my freckles, my bushy eyebrows, my broad shoulders, thicker body. I hated the way my forehead wrinkled when I smiled. I hated my short legs and long torso. My big chest and butt. I wanted to be thin, I wanted to be feminine and petite. I've realized recently with the massive change my body is taken how much I was missing out on. I look back at old pictures and miss the girl I used to criticize so much. This past year I have spent masking what my body has become with hair extensions, acrylics, dark eyeliner, and thinning my brows. Thinking no one would notice the 40+ pounds my body has taken on. 

My goal this year is to love myself. Love who I have become. To love the scars, the love handles, because they are markings of what I have gone through. No more hiding under dark clothing and black hair. My Heavenly Father values me. My husband values me. It is time I value myself. To treat myself and my body the way a Daughter of God would. 

Here's to a new me. 

1 comment:

  1. love this post! such a powerful message! Good luck with everything this year!!:)
