Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Day

So I realized I never wrote down exactly how our wedding day went and I want to while it is still fresh in my mind! The day started out bright and early for me. I pretty much got about an hour of sleep that night. You know like Christmas Eve or the night before you go to Disneyland? Yeah, this is like a million times worse. Around 4 am I called it quits and went and soaked in the bubble bath. I wanted to take my time getting ready, no stress. About a half hour later the doorbell rang and my hairdresser/makeup artist, Julie arrived! She did an amazing job. I really wanted a natural look and she nailed it. We realized we lost track of time. We were supposed to meet the photographer at the temple at 8! My mom and Julie helped me into my dress, we grabbed all the necessary items we needed throughout the day and we were off! I remember my little brothers woke up to say goodbye to me, I wouldn't see them until after the sealing when I was a married woman! I remember grabbing my bouquet that was in water and then it hit me. I had a full blown panic attack in the car. I couldn't believe this day was here. I couldn't believe I was in the dress of my dreams, this gorgeous ring on my finger and my handsome fiancé/husband to be waiting for me.

This blurry photo is literally right before the panic attack. We didn't even get out of Val Vista Lakes before my mom had to pull the car over. We said a prayer, I remember the tears were just flowing. I was so excited. So nervous. So ready. My mom insisted I get some food in me (she's so smart) so we hit up the local QT. Classy I know. After shoving down a protein bar and some cheese we were off to the temple.

My photographer, Jessica had us wait by the visitors center, and Cameron by the entrance. She met up with Cam and his dad first and then she went to find my mom and I. Being that it was January I was already freezing. A nice man let us wait inside the visitors center to stay warm! 

Jessica called us saying Cameron had to go to the car. I panicked, what was going on? Did he forget the marriage certificate? Was he having a panic attack too? I wanted nothing more than to find him and just hug him. I couldn't wait to be with him. I later found out that he lost his contact. It's a good laugh now. Jessica finally announced it was time. IT WAS TIME. We started making our way to see him. He was gonna see me, my dress. I couldn't wait to see him in his suit. 
This is probably one of my favorite photos. This was the first time I saw him on our wedding day. I could see him, with his back turned to me, waiting. I stopped just taking it all in. He looked so handsome. 

After about 2 hours of bridal photos, we had some time to kill before the sealing. We were absolutely frozen. Sweet cakes (this cute little cafe) was open so we went to get some hot chocolate. 

Scuse the tacky iPhone photos. There we shared some hot cocoa, and a breakfast burrito. Super classy. Some old lady asked us if we were going to prom. I laughed so hard thinking, oh shoot, does my wedding dress look like a prom dress?!

We made our way back to the temple. I said goodbye to my sweetheart and made my way to the bridal room. I loved being in there. I had some helpers get me out of my dress. After we got ready, it 
was finally time. Our sealer was a long time family friend and an old home teacher when I was little. I loved the words he shared. I remember staring at Cameron with tears in my eyes. Hearing all the 
beautiful promises, thinking, he is mine forever. I had goosebumps from head to toe. I felt my mother-in-law's presence. She was there. She was proud of us. 
After the sealing and a million hugs from all our guests, Cameron took me aside so we could exchange wedding bands. He pulled out the ring box and to my surprise TWO wedding bands. They were beautiful. Typical me cried even more. 

We walked out of the temple to see all our loved ones waiting for us and it was wonderful. We continued with lots of photos of the family, and bridal party. After all the pictures we said goodbye and drove away to the luncheon. I remember being in Cameron's car feeling on top of the world. This was my husband, I'm his wife. We are married! We were moving into his father's house we were 
renting so Cameron and I went there so I could change. I bought a cute short coral dress to wear with my white wedding heels, and am so bummed we didn't take pictures at the luncheon. Oh well. Cam and I were at the house and I went into the bathroom and shut the door. It was just a natural thing to do, growing up with four brothers. I remember Cam knocking on the door and asking why it was shut. My face went red! Oops. I needed his help unzipping my dress anyways. This was so weird! I changed, touched up, and we went to our luncheon. Costa Vida type food was served and it was delicious. 

Our reception wasn't until 6:30 that night so we had time to kill. I was already exhausted from my one hour of sleep, and just wanted a nap. We went back to our house to nap. It truly was our intentions but I mean come on.....what do you expect?! 

Around 6:00 we showed up at the reception. It was gorgeous, everything I hoped for. There was a slideshow playing, twinkling lights,  a fire pit. I was stunned, it was magical. 

We had a soup bar and a hot cocoa bar which was perfect for the weather. We talked so much, managed to get some food in, danced our first dance, posed for lots of pictures. There was tons of hugs and "Ahh let me see your ring!". We had a cake but I mainly wanted cupcakes so we of course had to stuff huge pieces in each others mouths. It was a blast. Before we knew it, it was time to go! We made our way through huge lines of guests and we were off! We honeymooned in California, but our parents treated us to a resort in Scottsdale for the night. 

It was easily the best day of my life and I wish I could relive it. I want to thank all our family and friends for their support and love. To my amazing seamstress who handmade the dress I've always had designed in my head. To my florist, cake designer, photographer who I consider family. 

To my sweet husband. Eternity with you is the best of all. 

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