Saturday, September 6, 2014

Parley's Nursery

I am so excited I am finally finished with her nursery!!! Designing this was pretty smooth sailing for the most part, although it is entirely different from my original plan!! We really wanted just a dainty, classic look. It has been so fun pulling together so many girlish things for her. Now dreaming about her being here is my favorite part!!! I am constantly peeking in here and admiring all her little clothes, and picturing her everywhere. Cameron was such a huge help in everything and I love that we did this together!! 
So this rocker was originally denim-yuck. This was my biggest stress of all! I didn't know how we were going to pull it off, but I am SO happy with the outcome!! 
I have this little doll and receiving blanket that I had when I was little, my mom kept it in great condition, and it happens to match perfectly!!

My mom made this amazing banner with Parley's name for my baby shower and I fell in love! It fit and matched perfectly so we decided to display it! 
Lots of blankets for snuggling!
The cutest box filled with all her little hats and all the bows and headbands I made her! 
Organizing these little baskets was probably my favorite part-I know, weird. But the tiny diapers and the fresh smelling wipes just got me over the moon excited!
The sweetest swaddles, burp cloths and wash cloths.

The curtains came just plain and I decided to add some Pom Pom's. I saw the cutest curtains just like this at Anthro-but I would've broke the bank getting those!! 
This dresser used to be mine before we got married. We freshened it up and added some gold paint and it's just like new! 
Now all that's left is a sweet babe to snuggle!! 

1 comment:

  1. Perfect! Love it ALL! She is one lucky girl!
