Saturday, October 11, 2014

Birth Story

I am sitting here in awe of how fast the past five days have gone. My sweet baby is changing by the minute and I am trying to soak in all these precious moments with her. Since she made her debut, Cameron and I have been so in love with her.

So on Sunday 10.5.14 we spent the afternoon/evening at my mom's house watching General Conference. We headed home after dinner and I was feeling really emotional. I wasn't really emotional much during my pregnancy so it was definitely different. I took a bubble bath, got dressed, heated up a cinnamon roll and got cozy on the couch ready to watch a movie. At 7:00 I bent over to grab the TV remote and I heard a pop and felt a gush of warm water. My mind went into hyperspeed after that. I jumped off the couch and told Cameron my water broke and literally ran to the bathroom where what seemed like Niagara Falls came out of me. My baby was coming!! Cameron called my mom, while I called my OB and we started to get ready for the hospital. We spent the whole weekend away from home and I was NOT prepared. I was running around trying to organize everything. I was such a giddy mess Cameron kept putting his hands on my shoulders and telling me to slow down.

We got to Banner Ironwood around 7:30 and they wheeled me right on up! I remember getting nervous because I knew contractions weren't too far away. We were checked into room 1203, I was all changed and hooked up and ready as ever! My mom and Cameron's dad came shortly after, and the contractions started coming. HOLY SMOKES. They were painful. We turned on Frozen to get my mind off of things and it was the best distraction. I had a wonderful nurse, Brooklyn. She was so amazing and had a great sense of humor so she kept me laughing and the mood light. Cameron gave me a beautiful priesthood blessing. Around 11:30 my contractions were 2 minutes apart and I was shaking head to toe from all the hormones. I was nervous my shaking would mess up the epidural I planned on having. I wanted so badly to keep going a little longer without the epidural but I felt such peace all of a sudden, and asked for one. The anesthesiologist, Bryce came in and he was amazing. I held onto my nurses hips while he delivered the epidural, and Cameron was right next to me.

Once the epidural kicked in we decided to get some rest, figuring things would slow down quite a bit. Brooklyn helped me turn on my side and place a peanut ball between my legs to help the process. My blood pressure dropped and so did Parley's heart rate so I was on oxygen for awhile. My machines kept going off every 20 minutes, and my button to page the nurse kept disconnecting so poor Cameron had to get up and go get her every time. I remember the epidural really kicked in and I couldn't feel anything. We had to rotate sides and I couldn't pull myself up anymore. Around 5:15 AM I felt quite a bit of pressure, they checked me and I was at a 9!!! I couldn't believe it was time! I was surprised at how fast things progressed considering the epidural, and no pitocin. They set me up in the stirrups and Cameron, my mom, and my nurse Brooklyn were all in the room and I started pushing. I pushed from 5:15-6:30 and then we took a break for an hour. Dr. Tappin came in at 7:30 and we were ready to have a baby! My mom and nurse kept commenting on her hair and I was DYING to meet her. I was told my epidural was wearing off and I could feel things alot more. It was perfect timing. I could feel her, I could feel when I needed to push. It was the most beautiful experience of my life.

At 8:23 AM Parley Brynn came. They laid her on my chest and I heard Cameron choke up. I couldn't hold back the tears. She was so beautiful, so perfect. She didn't make a peep for a minute or two and then all of a sudden made two of the daintiest cries I've ever heard. She was so peaceful, but alert. She instantly grabbed my finger and I couldn't believe what I was feeling. This perfect little being was mine. We did it. She was finally in my arms. Cameron cut her cord and they let me hold her as long as I wanted and I couldn't let go. I let them take her and she weighed in at 7lbs 7oz and 20 1/2 inches long. They brought her back to me as they finished cleaning me all up. I had two stitches placed due to a 1st degree internal tear, I was shocked to hear it was so minimal.

The rest of that day was followed by lots of visitors. My brothers came and I ordered breakfast. I was starving! It was so adorable to see them with her. It's safe to say she has stolen everyone's hearts. We got wheeled into our post-partum room and in the halls they played a lullaby welcoming Parley into the world. Cameron's grandparents, my grandma, coworkers and friends came and Parley was so quiet and sleeping through it all. The following day they did some testing on her and everything came back perfect except she had some biliruben in her system. My brothers and Cameron were there when they told me she had to be taken to the nursery. I was a wreck. I couldn't stop crying. We got to see her whenever we wanted but could only hold her once every 3 hours for 30 minutes. She was all hooked up and had to get her heel pricked a bunch, my heart broke. My brother Kasey, and Cameron went into the nursery to give her a blessing. They kept her there til the following day and she had another test (heel prick) at 10 AM. I was discharged that morning but still "nesting" so pretty much using my hospital room like a hotel room. The doctor said she could be off lights while we waited for results. When they brought her back to me, I was whole again. It was the most rewarding feeling. We got results and needed to get another test at 4 PM to make sure her levels stayed the same without being under lights. We got good news and were going home!!

She is a really good mix of both Cameron and I. She has my lips, chin, and eyes. Her daddy's toes and hands and even his hairline. She is SUCH a good baby. She hardly cries, and when she does she calms down so fast. She loves to be talked to and sung to. She absolutely loves being in her daddy's arms and loves skin-on-skin with me. When we left the hospital she was 6 lbs 15 oz and now is back up to 7 lbs. Her newborn clothes are pretty big on her but hopefully not for long because baby rolls are just the best:) She sleeps in her cradle next to our bed at night and is always sleeping sleeping sleeping. We are working really hard on a routine for her and she is adapting so well!

 I love you little girl, more than you will ever know. 

1 comment:

  1. Seriously had tears in my eyes! I am solo happy for you:)
